We hosted the Seaside Methodist Church golf outing on Saturday, June 1
Lots of members and local people participating to promote local charities.
Thanks to all who helped out!
Wednesday, June 5
Gordie Coulson Veterans Memorial Tournament
We thank and honor all those veterans
who have served our country
Wednesday, June 5
If you are not playing in the event,
Come out to the SPBay Practice area on
Wednesday 11 AM – 12 PM
for a rules clinic with our
Head Golf Professional — Richard Kascsak
No Charge, members and non-members welcome
Aerification next week
we will do our early summer greens
aerification next week M, T, W
on the Sand, Piper and Bay greens
greens will be sandy for a few days… but this is a
necessary procedure for the long term
health of our greens.
Ladies Golf Clinic
Our ladies Monday clinic and golf
program has expanded to include five 30-minute
clinic sessions — then golf and a ticket for a glass of wine or other beverage
Groups start at 11:30 AM and go till 1:30 PM
Call the golf shop for details and sign up
Learn the game, make friends, have fun!
pictures below from the putting clinic
on Monday, June 3.