Game Coordinator Duties.
Games are now scheduled for the full year. Check the website for the Game Schedule and Games information.
The Tuesday schedule is sent out prior to play on Tuesday. Use the schedule to make out the game sheets with the course name, player names in each foursome and their handicaps. As of this year we will need a game sheet with course name for Maroon players. Game sheets for INDIVIDUAL LOW SCORE and LOW GROSS/NET are on the website and in the book. Use the INDIVIDUAL LOW SCORE sheet for Team games.
Retrieve Piperettes book from Pro Shop.
Maroon players will compete against each other when there are 4 or more playing an individual game. Maroon players will compete against Red Tee players when there are 3 or less playing an individual game. Payouts are separate for 4 or more Maroon players according to the Maroon payout sheet found in the Piperette Book.
- Collect money from the groups as they come in. (The first player listed in the foursome usually collects the money from those in the foursome)
- Verify the number of players and cash for each course played.
- Give the GAME SHEETS and RINGER sheets to the players. (Sheets are in folder in the Piperettes book)
To determine pay outs go to the schedules located in the book.
Determine the winners of LOW GROSS/LOW NET. There are 2 winners for each place. When choosing where the players placed, choose FIRST the Low Gross winner and then the Low Net Winner. After that alternate second low gross, then second low net and continue until all places are paid. If a player wins both low gross and low net, give the player the low gross pay out.
In the case of a tie, add together the pay out for places where the ties occur and divide by the number of players or teams tied.
For example: 20 players and $60 pays 6 places.
1ST = $19 2ND = $14 3RD =$11 4TH = $8 5th =$5 6TH=$3
If 2ND and 3rd were tied -take their payouts of $14 and $11 and add ($25) and divide by 2.
Final Payouts would then be as follows:
1ST = $19 2ND =$12.50 3RD=$12.50 4TH = $8 5TH = $5 6TH =$3
This rule is to be used ONLY when it is CART PATH ONLY. If your ball lies in a bunker that has any water (not mud), you may proceed as described on page 35 of your new rule book with no penalty. You may lift it and drop it outside the bunker keeping the spot where the ball originally lay between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped. The ball may not be dropped closer to the hole then where it originally lie in the bunker.