All Piperettes Members, 2024

Sandpiper Bay Golf | Sunset Beach, NC or  – a password to access the Member Portal is the upper right hand side.  Click on the Member Portal, select Ladies Golf League Home.  The first time you enter it will ask for the password – Piper1   Click Submit to enter the new and enhanced Piperettes website.

Most of our information is on the site, Constitution, local rules, phone book, tournaments, etc.

If you want to sign up to play on Tuesday, sign up through the website (click on Sign up sheet) and put your name, date, tees and then click Submit.  As always, please sign up prior to noon on Sundays.  The schedule and pairings are sent out to members prior to play on Tuesday.

Copy and past this link to email this application information

New Piperettes Members, 2024

The annual general membership meeting is held on the first Tuesday in March.  The league plays on Tuesdays and officially starts up the first week in March and runs until the Christmas Scramble in December.  Each week we play a game and you pay $3 to be in the game.  This money is collected typically by someone in your foursome.  The games, schedules, times, etc., are posted on the Club’s website which is:

Sandpiper Bay Golf | Sunset Beach, NC or  – you will require a password to access the Member Portal in the upper right hand side.

Most of our information is on the site, local rules, phone book, tournaments, etc.

If you want to sign up to play on Tuesday, you sign up through the website (click on Sign up sheet) and put your name, date, tees and then click Submit.  Members should sign up prior to noon on Sundays.  The schedule and pairings are sent out to members prior to play on Tuesday.

During winter months, there is no formal schedule or game, you can sign up with a foursome, twosome or single or you will be paired on a first to sign up basis.  During a typical league month, you will be paired randomly using scorekeeper software except for Low Gross/Low Net day when you are paired with women that have similar handicaps.  To be eligible to play in the games you need a handicap in the GHIN system or initially show 5 score cards with scores.  Our games our scored by gross and net so a handicap is required.

On Piperette Tuesday every stroke and putt is counted.  There are no given putts. Your score will be entered each Tuesday by the Pro Shop.  USGA rules apply except for some local rules which you will find on the website.  Each foursome is responsible for tallying scores and putting them on the game sheet after golf.  Game coordinators will collect the money after golf and award money to the winners.  Winners are determined by results put on game sheet so please be sure to be accurate.

Welcome to the Piperettes!  We look forward to playing with you and a great 2024 season.

Copy and paste this link to email this new member information


2024 Piperette Fees

Fee Amount Payable to:*
Membership – required* 60.00 Piperettes
Hole-in-One Piperettes – optional**  5.00 Piperettes
Ringers – optional  5.00 Piperettes
Match Play – optional  5.00 Piperettes

 Copy and paste this link to email fees information 

* For Piperettes, make check out to ‘Piperettes’ and leave in drawer at club house or give to Laurie Maesano, Treasurer

  • Payment due no later than 1/31.

** Piperette Hole-in-one will be replenished as needed

2024 Piperettes Game Coordinators

March:  Elaine R and Sonja

April:  Sharon and Laurie

May:  Elaine Friedman and Judy Destefon


July:  Peggy D and Joanne O

August:  Diane Rauch and Noelle Kehrberg

September:  Elaine R and ???

October:  Ann Pollock and Charlene

November:  Lisa F and Cheryl D.

2025 Piperettes Schedulers

Dec/Jan/Feb ‘23/24        Ann Pollock

March/April/May’24       Sonja

June/July/Aug   ‘24          Elaine

Sept/Oct/Nov   ‘24          Ann

Dec/Jan’25/Feb                Sonja

March/Apr/May’25         Elaine

June/July/Aug’25             Ann

Sept/Oct/Nov’25             Sonja

Dec/Jan’26/Feb                Elaine

2025 Piperettes Birthdays

JANUARY – Ann Baker 1/25, Debbie Kenngott 1/27

FEBRUARY – Bonnie Hine 2/17, Sonja Zeoli 2/26

MARCH – Noelle Kehrberg 3/2, Barb Nagle 3/16, Moe Futscher 3/24, Ann Pollock 3/28, Sharon Millar 3/29

APRIL – Cheryl Doughten 4/1, Joanne Orendorf 4/8, Lisa Foster 4/24, Pat Hannigan 4/28

MAY – Elaine Reardon 5/5, Elaine Friedman 5/2

JUNE – Peggy Donawick 6/1, Sandy Jenis 6/9, Maureen Kakos 6/11, Mary Lou Davis 6/27

JULY – Laurie Maesano 7/7

AUGUST – Lynn de S. Aubin 8/2, Linda Montgomery 8/5, Bernice Mcroberts 8/6

SEPTEMBER – Brenda Goldsmith – 9/18

OCTOBER – Mike Richardson 10/5, Jacquie Bridge 10/6, Charlene Barno 10/9, Marilyn Oliver 10/11, Heidi McMinn 10/20, Carol Dillon Kissal 10/25, Deb Davis 10/26, Elaine Lewis 10/28, Nancy O’Shea 10/28

NOVEMBER – Diane Rauch 11/11, Bobbie Park 11/24, Judy Destefon – 11/26

DECEMBER – Mary Parent 12/14